发布人:陈文雪  发布时间:2021-11-24   浏览次数:6471













1. 准弹性轻子-核散射探究核子关联效应




2. 原子核内中子性质的研究



3. 核物理中的机器学习方法



4. 海洋电磁场仿真计算



20059-20097    上海理工大学          金沙8888js官方      物理学      学士

20099-20147    南京大学              物金沙8888js官方       理论物理     博士

20147-201912    金沙8888js官方(华东) 金沙8888js官方       物理学       讲师

20199-20209   美国密歇根州立大学  FRIB国家实验室     访问学者

20201-至今         金沙8888js官方(华东) 金沙8888js官方       物理学       副教授





1. 外协课题,海水及天线运动感应电磁场仿真计算,2023/07-2024/0750万元,主持

2. 山东省自然科学面上项目,探究奇异核电磁结构和丰中子核中子分布的电子散射理论模型研究,2021/01-2023/1210万元,主持

3. 国家自然科学青年基金,形变原子核宇称不守恒电子散射的理论研究,2016/01-2018/1221万元,主持

4. 山东省自然科学博士基金,基于电子散射研究不稳定原子核结构与性质,2016/01-2017/125万元,主持

5. 中央高校基本科研业务费,原子核中子密度分布及对称能理论研究,2017/01   -2019/1215万元,主持


1. 2023年以第一指导老师指导学生获第十八届挑战杯山东省赛二等奖,作品名称“融合人工智能及核理论模型的核数据预测方法”。

2. 累计指导5名本科生获得校优秀毕业论文。

3. 指导本科生在核物理top期刊Physical Review C上发表一作SCI论文3篇,机器学习方向。



1.   Lei Wang,   Jian Liu*, Zhongzhou Ren*, et al.,   New   extended method for ψ’ scaling function of inclusive electron scattering,   Science   China Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy 66, 102011 (2023).

2. Hongkai Wang,   Jian Liu*, Zhongzhou Ren, et al.,   Influence of single-particle energy on inclusive electron scattering, Journal   of Physics G 50, 095104 (2023).

3. Qinglin Niu, Jian Liu*, et al., Effects of   nucleon-nucleon short-range correlations on inclusive electron scattering, Physical   Review C 105, L051602 (2022).

4.   Xuezhi Wang,   Jian Liu*, et al., Nucleon momentum   distribution of 56Fe from the axially deformed relativistic mean-field model   with nucleon-nucleon correlations, Science   China Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy 64, 292011 (2022).

5.   Tongqi Liang,   Jian Liu*, Zhongzhou Ren*, et al.,   Nucleon momentum distributions from inclusive electron scattering with   superscaling analysis, Physical Review C 106, 054324   (2022).

6.   Lei Wang, Jian Liu*, Rensheng Wang*, et al.,   Global analysis of nuclear cluster structure from the elastic and inclusive   electron scattering, Physical Review C 103, 054307   (2021).


7.   Tongqi Liang,   Jian Liu*, Zhongzhou Ren*, et al.,   Investigation of the neutron distribution deformation by parity-violating   electron scattering, Physical Review C 108, 014312   (2023).

8. Jian Liu*, Zhongzhou Ren, et al., Exploring the sensitivity of   charge-exchange (p,n) reactions to the neutron density distribution, Physical   Review C 106, 054605 (2022).

9.   Xin Li, Yunsheng Wang, Jian Liu*,   et al., Comparative   studies on nuclear elastic magnetic form factors between the relativistic and   non-relativistic mean-field approaches,   Chinese   Physics C 46, 014104 (2022).

10. Jian Liu*, Zhongzhou Ren, et al., Combining the modified   Skyrme-like model and the local density approximation to determine the   symmetry energy of nuclear matter, Journal of Physics G 45, 075103   (2018).

11. Jian Liu*, Chang Xu, Zhongzhou Ren, et al., Theoretical study on   neutron distribution of 208Pb by parity-violating electron scattering, Chinese   Physics C 43, 045103 (2016).

12.Jian Liu*,   Zhongzhou Ren, Chang Xu, et al., Electroweak charge density distributions with   parity-violating electron scattering, Physical Review C 88, 054321 (2013). 

13. Jian Liu*, Zhongzhou Ren, Chang Xu, et al., Systematic study of   the symmetry energy under the local density approximation, Physical   Review C 88, 024324 (2013).    

14. Jian Liu*, Zhongzhou Ren, et al., Theoretical study on neutron   skin thickness of Ca isotopes by parity-violating electron scattering, Nuclear   Physics A 900, 1 (2013).    

15. Jian Liu*, Zhongzhou Ren, et al., Theoretical study on   parity-violating electron scattering off isotonic nuclei, Nuclear   Physics A 888, 45 (2012). 

16. Jian Liu*, Zhongzhou Ren, et al., Theoretical analysis of the   nonlinear ω-ρ coupling parameter in a relativistic mean-field model by   parity-violating electron scattering, Physical Review C 84, 064305 (2011).


17. Zisheng Ma, Mingshuai   Yan, Jian Liu*, et al., Bayesian   optimization approach to model-based description of α decay, Physical   Review C 108, 014326 (2023).

18. Yifan Liu, Chen Su, Jian Liu*, et al., Improved naive Bayesian   probability classifier in predictions of nuclear mass, Physical Review C 104,   014315 (2021).

19. Yunfei Ma, Jian Liu*, Chang Xu, et al., Predictions   of nuclear charge radii and physical interpretations based on the naive   Bayesian probability classifier, Physical Review C 101, 014304   (2020).

20. 陶世杰、刘健*,许昌*等,基于改进型贝叶斯分类器预测原子核电荷半径,《中国科学: 物理学力学天文学》 2022 525


21. Jian Liu*,   Xiaoting Liu, Zhongzhou Ren, et al., Extraction of the second and fourth   radial moments of nuclear charge density from the elastic electron-nucleus   scattering, Journal of Physics G48, 125105 (2021).

22.   Lei Wang, Jian Liu*, Chang Xu, et al., Charge   form factors of exotic nuclei in deformed Hartree–Fock–Bogolyubov   calculations, Journal of Physics G 47, 025105 (2020).

23. Jian Liu*, Zhongzhou Ren, et al., Elastic electron scattering off   nuclei with shape coexistence, Journal of Physics G 46, 055105 (2019).

24. Tongqi Liang, Jian Liu*, et al., Elastic electron   scattering form factors of deformed exotic Xe isotopes, Physical Review C 98,   044310 (2018).

25.Xiaoyong Guo, Jian Liu*,   et al., Investigation of nonlinear isoscalar–isovector coupling in a   relativistic mean-field model by elastic magnetic electron scattering, Nuclear   Physics A 978, 1 (2018).

26. Jian Liu*, Chang Xu, Zhongzhou Ren, et al., Coulomb form factors   of odd-A nuclei within an axially deformed relativistic mean-field model, Physical   Review C 96, 034314 (2017).

27. Jian Liu*, Chang Xu, Zhongzhou Ren, et al., Coulomb form factors   of even-even nuclei described by axially deformed relativistic mean-field   models, Physical Review C 95, 044318 (2017).

28. Jian Liu*, Chang Xu, Zhongzhou Ren, et al., Nuclear longitudinal   form factors for axially deformed charge distributions expanded by   nonorthogonal basis functions, Chinese Physics C 41, 054101   (2017).

29.Jian Liu*, Chang Xu, Zhongzhou   Ren, et al., Theoretical study on nuclear structure by the multiple Coulomb   scattering and magnetic scattering of relativistic electrons, Nuclear   Physics A 948, 46 (2016). 

30. Zhang Cun, Jian Liu*, Zhongzhou Ren, et al., One-pion   exchange current effects on magnetic form factor in the relativistic   formalism, Journal of Physics G 43, 045103 (2016).

31.   Jian Liu*, Yanyun Chu, and   Zhongzhou Ren, Theoretical study of the central depression of nuclear charge   density distribution by electron scattering, Chinese Physics C, 36, 48 (2012). 

32.   Jian Liu*, Yanyun Chu, and   Zhongzhou Ren, Theoretical Study of the Nuclear Charge Distributions of Tin Isotopes,   Plasma   Science and Technology, 14,   614 (2012).


33. 刘健*,高永浩,魏宝君等,“时变磁场中水下目标磁特性的COMSOL虚拟仿真研究”,《实验室研究与探索》2020397(核心期刊)

34. 刘健*,王江涛,魏宝君等,“洋流和潮波产生的感应电磁场的对比研究”,《我院学报》464 EI、核心期刊)

35. 刘健*,郭元龙,魏宝君等,“时域有限差分方法分析水下目标散射电场分布”《实验室研究与探索》20234210(核心期刊)

36. 王瑞坤,刘健*,魏宝君等,“有限宽洋流产生的感应磁场数值分析”,《地球物理学进展》2023接收待发表(核心期刊)


海洋背景磁场智能计算软件,2021SR1560042.  2021

