◎研究方向 1.光束传输与控制、光场调控及应用 2.微纳、拓扑光子技术 3.钙钛矿太阳能电池 4.计算光学成像 ◎学习与工作经历 1999.9-2003.7,烟台师范学院,应用物理学学士; 2003.9-2005.7,哈尔滨工业大学,光学硕士; 2008.9-2011.7,哈尔滨工业大学,光学博士;
2005.7-2008.6,金沙8888js官方(华东),物理科学与技术学院,助教; 2008.7-2014.11,金沙8888js官方(华东),金沙8888js官方,讲师; 2014.12至今,金沙8888js官方(华东),金沙8888js官方,副教授。
◎主讲课程 1.主讲本科生必修课。《大学物理》《物理光学》《光电信息工程实验》《红外技术与系统》等课程 2.主讲研究生《光子学原理与应用》《非线性光学》《半导体物理》等课程
◎指导研究生 累计指导硕士研究生6名,指导的1篇研究生学位论文获校级优秀论文。
◎承担和参与项目 1.近年来,主持的代表性科研项目: (1)扩散周期介质中空间孤子的传输特性研究,国家自然科学基金青年项目,2017-2019。 (2)基于二次电光效应的光折变表面孤子的理论研究,国家自然科学基金理论物理专款项目,2013。 (3)中心对称光折变材料中晶格孤子的理论研究,山东省自然科学基金青年项目,2017-2019。 (4)自加速光场的产生与调控研究,校自主创新科研计划项目,2019-2021。 (5)扩散晶格光孤子的传输与控制,校自主创新科研计划项目,2016-2018。 (6)光折变晶格孤子耦合特性研究,校自主创新科研计划项目,2014-2015。 2.近年来,参与的代表性科研项目: (1)向列液晶中的基于光折变效应的空间孤子的研究,国家自然科学基金青年项目,2006-2008。 (2)掺镱自倍频双波长全固态微片激光器,山东省自然科学基金青年项目,2007-2009。 (3)海洋能源与信息工程学科科技专项子课题-10,校自主创新科研计划项目,2019-2021。 (4)太赫兹波电磁特性的调控机理及功能器件的基础研究,校自主创新科研计划项目,2013-2015。 ◎论文 1.第一作者主要论文: (1)Kaiyun Zhan*, Lichao Dou, Ruiyun Jiao, Wenqian Zhang, Bing Liu, Talbot effect in arrays of helical waveguides. Optics Letters, 2021,46(2):322-325. (2)Kaiyun Zhan, Wenjing Fang*, Zhiming Pan, Guilei Teng, Haixia Zheng, Li Zhao and Bing Liu*, The role of the potential field on occurrence and flow of octane in quartz nanopores. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2021,23(19), 1507-11514. (3)Kaiyun Zhan*, Wenqiang Zhang, Ruiyun Jiao, Lichao Dou, and Bing Liu, Period-reversal accelerating self-imaging and multi-beams interference based on accelerating beams in parabolic optical potentials. Optics Express, 28 (14), 20007- 20015 (2020). (4)Kaiyun Zhan*, Wenqian Zhang, Ruiyun Jiao, Lichao Dou, Bing Liu, Propagations of Airy beams with quadratic phase modulation, and their interaction in paraxial optical systems. Optics Communications 474 (2020) 126156 (5)Zhan Kaiyun*, Jiao Ruiyun, Wang Jing, Zhang Wenqian, Yang Zhendong, Liu Bing. Self-imaging effect based on Airy beams with quadratic phase modulation. Ann. Phys. (Berlin), 2020, 532:1900546. (6)Zhan Kaiyun*, Wang Jing, Yang Zhendong, Jiao Ruiyun, Liu Bing. Self-imaging effect based on circular Airy beams. Ann. Phys. (Berlin), 2019, 531: 1900293. (7)Kaiyun Zhan*, Zhendong Yang, Ruiyun Jiao, Bing Liu, Guoxia Han, Xianfeng Xu, Zhiyong Jiao, Controllable interaction of Airy beams via initial launch angle in Kerr media, Optics Communications, 2019, 432: 49–53. (8)Kaiyun Zhan*, Zhendong Yang, Bing Liu, Xianfeng Xu, Zhiyong Jiao, Yulei Jia, Propagations of Airy beams and nonlinear accelerating optical beams in photorefractive crystals with asymmetric nonlocality. Ann. Phys. (Berlin), 2018,530:1800033 (9)Kaiyun Zhan*,Zhiyong Jiao,Yulei Jia,Xianfeng Xu,Defect modes of defective parity-time symmetric potentials in one-dimensional fractional Schrödinger equation. IEEE Photonics Journal,2017, 9(6):6102508. (10)Kaiyun Zhan*, Hao Tian, Xin Li, Xianfeng Xu, Zhiyong Jiao, Yulei Jia.Solitons in PT-symmetric periodic systems with the logarithmically saturable nonlinearity. Scientific Report 2016,6:32990. (11)Kaiyun Zhan*, Zhiyong Jiao, Xi Li, Yulei Jia, Hui Zhang. Surface lattice solitons in diffusive nonlinear media with spatially modulated nonlinearity. Optics Express 2015, 23(18):24048-24056. (12)Kaiyun Zhan*, Chunfeng Hou. Lattice surface solitons in diffusive nonlinear media driven by the quadratic electro-optic effect. Optics Express 2014, 22:11646-11653. (13)Kaiyun Zhan*, Xin Li. Surface lattice solitons in saturable nonlinear media driven by the quadratic electro-optic effect. Optics Communications 2013, 307:80-85. (14)Kaiyun Zhan*, Xin Li. Defect modes and solitons supported by optically induced lattices in highly saturable nonlinear media with quadratic electro-optic effect. Optics Communications, 2013, 300:249-256 (15)Kaiyun Zhan*, Xin Li, Shaozhi Pu, Chunfeng Hou. Temperature dependency of modulation instability in photorefractive crystals. Optics & Laser Technology, 2013, 45:678-683 (16)Kaiyun Zhan*, Chunfeng Hou. Modulational instability of incoherently coupled beams in biased photorefractive crystals. Optics Communications, 2012, 285(24):5452-5455. (17)Kaiyun Zhan*, Chunfeng Hou. Gap solitons supported by optical lattices in biased centrosymmetric photorefractive crystals. Optics Communications, 2012, 285(17):3649-3653. (18)Kaiyun Zhan*, Chunfeng Hou, Shaozhi Pu. Temporal behavior of spatial solitons in centrosymmetric photorefractive crystals. Optics & Laser Technology, 2011, 43(7):1274-1278 (19)Kaiyun Zhan*, Chunfeng Hou, Yanwei Du. Self-deflection of steady-state bright spatial soliton in biased centrosymmetric photorefractive crystals. Optics Communications, 2010, 283(1):138-141. (20)Kaiyun Zhan*, Chunfeng Hou,Hao Tian, Shaozhi Pu, Yanwei Du. Spatial solitons in centrosymmetric photorefractive crystals due to the two-photon photorefractive effect. Journal of Optics, 2010, 12(1):015203. (21)Kaiyun Zhan*, Chunfeng Hou, Hao Tian, Yanbo Pei. Holographic solitons in biased centrosymmetric photorefractive crystals. Optics & Laser Technology, 2010, 42(4):669-673. (22)Kaiyun Zhan*, Chunfeng Hou, Hao Tian, Yu Zhang. Manakov solitons in centrosymmetric photorefractive crystals due to two-photon photorefractive effect. Physics Letters A, 2010, 374(10):1242-1245. (23)Kaiyun Zhan*, Chunfeng Hou,Hao Tian. Holographic solitons in centrosymmetric photorefractive dissipative systems. Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 2010, 48(6):716-719. (24)Kaiyun Zhan*, Chunfeng Hou,Yu Zhang. Incoherent coupled spatial soliton families in centrosymmetric two-photon photorefractive crystals.Journal of Optics, 2010, 12(3):035208. (25)Kaiyun Zhan*, Chunfeng Hou, Hao Tian. Effects of the temperature on steady-state bright solitons in biased centrosymmetric photorefractive crystals. Applied Physics B, 2010, 100(4):821-826. (26)Kaiyun Zhan*, Chunfeng Hou. One-dimensional modulational instability of broad optical beams in biased centrosymmetric photorefractive crystals. Physics Letters A, 2009, 374(2):169-172. 2.第二作者(通讯作者)主要论文: (1)Ruiyun Jiao, Lichao Dou, Wenqian Zhang, Bing Liu, Kaiyun Zhan*, Trajectory manipulation of Talbot images via dynamic linear index potentials,Journal of the Optical Society of America B 2021, 38(1):123-128.
(2)Ruiyun Jiao,Wenqian Zhang, Lichao Dou, Bing Liu, Kaiyun Zhan* and Zhiyong Jiao, Nonlinear propagation dynamics of Gaussian beams in fractional Schrödinger equation,Physica Scripta, 2021,96(6):065212. (3)Jing Wang, Ruiyun Jiao, Wenqian Zhang, Zhendong Yang, Kaiyun Zhan*, Bing Liu, Accelerating self-imaging effect based on cosh-Airy beams,Physica Scripta, 2021, 96(5):055210. (4)Jiao Ruiyun, Zhang Wenqian, Yang Zhendong, Wang Jing, Zhan Kaiyun*, Liu Bing. Conical diffraction modulation in honeycomb lattices. Commun. Nonlinear Sci. Numer. Simulat. 2020, 84:105168. (5)Bing Liu, Kaiyun Zhan*, Zhendong Yan,Propagation dynamics of finite-energy Airy beams in competing nonlocal nonlinear media,Journal of the Optical Society of America B 2018, 35(11):2794-2798.
◎著作 1. 《大学物理学》,高等教育出版社,2018年 2. 《大学物理教程(第四版)》,“十一五”国家级规划教材,科学出版社,2016年。 3. 《大学物理》,“十三五”国家重点出版物出版规划项目,机械工业出版社,2016年。。 ◎学术兼职 担任Photonics 专题编辑,《Optics Letters》《Optics Express》《New Journal of Physics》《Journal of the Optical Society of America A,B》《Journal of physics B,D》《Chinese Optics Letters》等多个期刊审稿人。 |