◎研究方向 1.复方程及其应用 2.函数值分布 ◎学习与工作经历
1981.9-1985.7,山东师范大学,理学学士; 2000.9-2003.7,山东大学,理学博士; 1985.7-1990.12,华东石油学院,基础部,助教 2003.12至今,金沙8888js官方(华东),应用数学系,教授。
◎主讲课程 1.主讲本科生必修课。《线性代数》《复变函数》《高等数学》等课程 2.主讲研究生《复分析基础》《值分布论》《代数体函数与方程》等课程
◎指导研究生 累计指导硕士研究生13名,指导的多篇研究生学位论文获省级或校级优秀论文。
◎承担和参与项目 1.近年来,主持的代表性科研项目: (1)复方程解的振荡性及其相关问题的研究,中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助,2010-2012 (2)数学学科研究生培养模式的研究,山东省教育厅,2009-2012。 2.近年来,参与的代表性科研项目: (1)复微分差分方程问题及Fermat型方程亚纯解的值分布,自然科学基金,2015-2018 (2)亚纯映照唯一性和正规性问题的交叉研究,中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助,2011—2013 (3)复差分微分方程亚纯解及相关问题的研究,中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助,2016—2018 ◎荣誉称号(除教师个人获得荣誉之外,还包括指导学生获得荣誉情况) 1.山东省优秀硕士学位论文指导教师,2016年。 2.山东省优秀学士学位论文指导教师,2007年。 3.金沙8888js官方(华东)优秀教师,2021年。
◎论文 1.第一作者主要论文: (1)Weiran Lü and Xiaoxue Zhang,On the Periodicity of Entire Functions,Results Math (2020) 75:176. (2) Lü Weiran, Lü Feng, Wu Linlin and Yang Jing, Meromorphic Solutions for a Class of Differential Equations and Their Applications, Journal of Contemporary Mathematical Analysis, 2018, 5: 260-265 (3) Lü Weiran, Wu Linlin, Wang Dandan,The existence of solutions to certain type of nonlinear difference-differential equations, Open Math. 2018; 16: 806–815 (4) Lü Weiran, Liu Nana, Yang Chungchun and Zhuo Caiping, Notes on the Value Distribution of ff^(k)-b, Kodai Math. J., 2016, 39: 500-509 (5) Lü Weiran, Liu Nana, Li Qiuying and Yang Chungchun, Notes on Admissible Solutions of a Class of Differential Equations, British Journal of Mathematics & Computer Science, 2015, 10(1): 1-7 (6) Lü Weiran, Li Qiuying and Yang Chungchun, On the transcendental entire solutions of a class of differential equations, Bull. Korean Math. Soc. 2014, 51( 5): 1281-1289 2.第二作者(通讯作者)主要论文: (1)Gary G. Gundersen , Wei-Ran Lü , Tuen-Wai Ng , Chung-Chun Yang,Entire solutions of differential equations that are related to trigonometric identities,J. Math. Anal. Appl. 507 (2022) 125788. (2)Lü Feng ,Lü Weiran ,On the uniqueness of entire functions having Dirichlet series representations,Mathematische Nachrichten. 2021;1–10. (3)Jian Zhang, Weiran Lü and Zhenluo Lou,Multiplicity and concentration behavior of solutions of the critical Choquard equation,APPLICABLEANALYSIS 2021,VOL.100,NO.1,167–190. (4)B. Chakraborty, W. Lü,ON THE VALUE DISTRIBUTION OF A DIFFERENTIAL MONOMIAL AND SOME NORMALITY CRITERIA. Matematychni Studii. V.56, No.1,2021. (5)Fengrong Zhang, Linlin Wu, Jing Yang and Weiran Lü,On entire solutions of certain type of nonlinear differential equations,AIMS Mathematics, 5(6): 6124–6134,2020. (6)Ping Li, Weiran Lü, Chungchun Yang ,ENTIRE SOLUTIONS OF CERTAIN TYPES OF NONLINEAR DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS,Houston Journal of Mathematics, University of Houston V 45, 431–437.2019. (7) Feng Lü, Weiran Lü, Cuiping Li, and Junfeng Xu ,Growth and Uniqueness Related to Complex Differential and Difference Equations,Results Math (2019) 74:30. (8) Liu Nana, Lü Weiran and Yang Chungchun, On the meromorphic solutions of certain class of nonlinear differential equations, Journal of Inequalities and Applications, 2015, 2015:149 (9) Zhgang Fengrong, Liu Nana, Lü Weiran and Yang Chungchun, Entire solutions of certain class of differential-difference equations, Advances in Difference Equations, 2015, 2015:150 (10) Zhuo Caiping, Wang Zanchun and Lü Weiran, On the Entire Solutions of a Nonlinear Differential Equation of Hayman, British Journal of Mathematics & Computer Science, 2015, 5(3): 408-413 (11) Liu Nana, Lü Weiran and Yang Chungchun, On Picard exceptional values of difference polynomials, Journal of Difference Equations and Applications, 2014, 20 ( 10): 1437–1443 (12) Liu Nana, Lü Weiran, Shen Tiantian and Yang Chungchun, Entire solutions of certain type of difference equations, Journal of Inequalities and Applications, 2014, 2014:63 (13) Shen Tiantian, Lü Weiran, On the transcendental entire solutions of certain differential equations, Southeast Asian Bulletin of Mathematics ,2013, 37(2): 289-296 (14) Lü Feng and Lü Weiran, Meromorphic Functions Sharing Three Values with their Difference Operators, Comput. Methods Funct. Theory, 2017, 17: 395–403 (15) Escassut A., Lü Weiranand Yang Chungchun, Zeros of p-Adic Differential Polynomials, p-Adic Numbers, Ultrametric Analysis and Applications, 2014, 6(2): 166–170 ◎著作
1.《线性代数》,“十二五”校级规划教材,金沙8888js官方出版社,2016年。 2.《复变函数与积分变换》,“十二五”校级规划教材,金沙8888js官方出版社,2014年。 3.《线性代数学习指导》,“十二五”校级规划教材,金沙8888js官方出版社,2019。 ◎学术兼职
青岛市数学会常务理事;美国数学评论员;担任《中国科学》等多个国内期刊审稿人。 ◎其他 1.校级精品课程《线性代数》负责人 2.重点建设课程《线性代数》负责人 3.校级精品课程《复变函数与积分变换》骨干成员 4.山东省精品课程《概率论与数理统计》主要贡献者 5.国家级大学生创新指导教师 6.学校三进计划指导教师 |