◎研究方向 1.激发态分子反应动力学 2.凝聚态物理 ◎学习与工作经历 2007.9-2011.7,石油大学(华东),理学学士; 2011.9-2017.7,中国科学院大连化学物理研究所,理学博士; 2015.9-2016.9,美国麻省理工学院,联合培养博士研究生; 2017.9-2020.12,金沙8888js官方(华东),基础物理系,讲师; 2021.1至今,金沙8888js官方(华东),基础物理系,副教授。
◎主讲课程 1.主讲本科生必修课《大学物理2-1》《大学物理2-2》等课程;
◎指导研究生 累计指导硕士研究生2名。
◎承担和参与项目 1.近年来,主持的代表性科研项目: (1)螺吡喃分子光致变色机理的理论研究,校自主创新青年项目,2018-2020。 (2)黄色荧光蛋白发色团随波长变化的异构化过程与电子激发态的关系,人才引进,2018-2020/12。 (3)对生物体内几类核苷分子激发态淬灭机理的理论研究,国家自然基金青年基金,2019-2021。
2.近年来,参与的代表性科研项目: (1)发展新的波包传播、坐标变换方法研究态态分子反应动力学,国家自然基金青年基金; (2)新型硫/硒化物代谢酶荧光探针的设计合成及分子识别研究,国家自然基金青年基金; (3)单重和多重卤键分子体系激发态结构及动力学机理研究,国家自然基金面上项目。 ◎获奖情况(除教师个人获奖之外,还包含指导学生获奖情况) 1.金沙8888js官方青年教师讲课比赛.二等奖,厅局级,2019。 2. 山东省大学生物理竞赛一等、二等、三等奖多项,省部级,2018-至今,指导教师。
◎荣誉称号(除教师个人获得荣誉之外,还包括指导学生获得荣誉情况) 1.金沙8888js官方(华东)优秀工会会员,2020年。 ◎论文 1.第一作者主要论文: (1)Li Zhao, Jianyong Liu, Panwang Zhou*,Does the wavelength dependent photoisomerization process of thep coumaric acid come out fromthe electronic statedependent pathways?Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 2019,211,203–211.
(2)Li Zhao,Jianyong Liu, Panwang Zhou*,The photoinduced isomerization mechanism of the 2-(1-(methylimino)methyl)-6-chlorophenol (SMAC): Nonadiabatic surface hopping dynamics simulations,The Journal of Chemical Physics,2018,149,034309 (3)Li Zhao,Jianyong Liu, Panwang Zhou*,On the mechanism of non-radiative decayof blue fluorescent protein chromophore: New insight from the excited-state molecular dynamics simulations and potential energy calculations. Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 2017,186,52–58 (4)Li Zhao,Jianyong Liu, Panwang Zhou*, Effect of Methylation on the Photodynamical Behavior of Arylazoimidazoles: New Insight from Theoretical ab Initio Potential Energy Calculations and Molecular Dynamics Simulations. The Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 2017, 121, 141−150 (5)Li Zhao, Pan-Wang Zhou*, Guang-Jiu Zhao*, Non-adiabatic dynamics simulation exploration of the wavelength-dependent photoinduced relaxation mechanism of trans-N-1-methyl-2-(tolylazo) imidazole in the gas phase, RSC Advances, 2016, 6, 64323 (6)Li Zhao, Pan-Wang Zhou*, Guang-Jiu Zhao*, Non-adiabatic dynamics investigation of the radiationless decay mechanism of trans-urocanic acid in the S2 state. The Journal of Chemical Physics,2016,145, 044316. (7)Li Zhao, Jianyong Liu, Panwang Zhou*, New Insight into the Photoisomerization Process of the Salicylidene Methylamine under Vacuum. The Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 2016, 120, 7419−7426. (8)Li Zhao,Pan-Wang Zhou, Bin Li, Ai-Hua Gao, Ke-Li Han*, Non-adiabatic dynamics of isolated green fluorescent protein chromophore anion. The Journal of Chemical Physics, 2014, 141, 235101. (9)Li Zhao, Guocui Zhou, BozhiJia, Guilei Teng, Kaiyun Zhan, Haixia Zheng, Jianhui Luo,Bing Liu*,New insight into the ultrafast excited state deactivation mechanism ofguanosine in the gas phase.Journal of Photochemistry & Photobiology A: Chemistry 401 (2020) 112753. (10)Li Zhao, Panwang Zhou, Xiaoxu Liu, Haixia Zheng, Kaiyun Zhan, Jianhui Luo, Bing Liu*.Theoretical studies of the ultrafast deactivation mechanismof8-oxo-guanine on the S1and S2electronic states in gas phase.Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and BiomolecularSpectroscopy 244 (2021) 118884. (11)Li Zhao, Haixia Zheng, Kaiyun Zhan, Yahui Guo, Bing Liu,* and Guiyin Xu*.Position of the Benzene Ring Substituent Regulates the Excited-State Deactivation Process of the Benzyluracil Systems.J. Phys. Chem. A.2021, 125, 165−174 2.第二作者(通讯作者)主要论文: (1)Pan-Wang Zhou, Li Zhao, How Does the O6-Methylation Regulate theExcited-State Decay of Guanine Monomers.The Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 2018, 120, 7419−7426.
(2)Pan-Wang Zhou, Li Zhao, Accurate description of excited state intramolecular protontransfer that involves zwitterionic state using optimally tunedrange-separated time-dependent density functional theory. Int. J. Quantum.Chem.2018,118 (15),e25618. (3)Jianhui Luo , Guocui Zhou , Haixia Zheng , Kaiyun Zhan , Bing Liu & Li Zhao*. Tracking of the molecular geometrical changes in the primary event of photoinduced ring-opening reactions of a spiropyran model in gas phase。 ◎学术兼职
担任《Molecular Physics》《Chemical Physics Letter》等多个期刊审稿人。 |